Guest Post Guidelines

Essentials For Your Guest Post

  • Original content. We don’t accept duplicate or syndicated content. If your guest post appears elsewhere on the web, we won’t publish it on our blog.
  • Posts should be 750 – 1,500+ words in length. Longer is great, though don’t sacrifice clarity and brevity for the sake of length.
  • Name your sources. Always link to the original source for stats, data, quotations, etc. Outside content you referenced must be properly attributed.
  • One link to your website. Please include no more than one link to your company’s website in the body of your piece. This includes your homepage, pricing page, blog, etc.
  • At least one link to other content on Manage Innovative Teams. Please include one or or more links to other content on Manage Innovative Teams.
  • Break up long blocks of text for easy reading. Include headers, subheaders, bullets, paragraph breaks, and any other visual elements which increase the readability of your post.
  • Be real. Let your personality shine. We want to connect with people who believe in being real, so let the real you shine through. Be authoritative, but not robotic, and don’t shy away from showing your sense of humor. Draw on personal experiences, and discuss the good and the bad: plans, strategies, tactics, experiences, mistakes, or lessons learned. Be real.

Who Is Our Target Audience?

Our target audience is leaders in the technology space whose role is to manage innovative teams.

This could include high level managers of operations, product, or the business in general, middle management, or even more tactical roles among the team such as technical know-how leads or project managers who influence the innovative team from the front lines.

Desired Themes & Topics

We’re writing for folks seeking strategies and frameworks to transform their organization in ways which will enable them to best manage their innovative team.

Your guest post might include content about building and clarifying the overall vision and strategy; improving on (or inventing new) systems within the organization; coaching, mentoring, and optimizing performance of people and talents (and on this human-oriented point, we believe in the value of empathic, compassionate leadership, and the creativity that self-care and real meaning and purpose can unlock); or any other other topics centered around managing sustainable organizations and healthy cultures of productive, innovative teams.

Formatting & Details To Consider

  • Statistics. We love verifiable first or third party data, research, and statistics, with proper attribution of course.
  • Outbound Links. Outside content with great perspectives on a particular topic, definitions, or other views which will add depth to your post is great. Link to it in your guest post. Make sure you are linking to authoritative sites. Only link to your site if the content is highly relevant to avoid excessive self-promotion.
  • Lists and Bullets. Readers skim posts for relevant content. Use lists and bullet points to make your post easy to read.
  • Paragraphs. Breaking up content into smaller paragraphs helps readability as well. Ask yourself: did I tune out while reading that long paragraph? Generally 3-5 sentences per paragraph works.
  • Actionable Takeaways. Recap key takeaways you’d like your reader to remember to make your post highly tangible to your reader.

What We Won’t Accept

  • Content that has been covered on our blog before.
  • Anything that may be construed as a link-building scheme.
  • Content that’s overly promotional for your company or organization.
  • Offensive or inaccurate content.
  • Unconstructive criticism about other companies, individuals, groups, or organizations.
  • Non-original pieces that exist elsewhere on the web.

Edits & Updates We Might Make To Your Submission

  • We reserve the right to reject contributions that don’t meet our quality and submission standards. In some cases, we may remove content from our site.
  • We may update, edit, and adapt your submission as we see fit, now or in the future, for accuracy or comprehension.
  • We may include calls-to-action to our content and products now or in the future.
  • We will take down your post if it’s found duplicated elsewhere on the web.

Steps To Writing & Submitting Your Guest Post

  1. Submit your topic idea — bonus points for a title and/or brief outline — so we ensure we agree on the premise before you spend any time writing. No need to waste effort writing until we know we have agreement! Use our Contact page to get in touch.
  2. We’ll give you the thumbs up on your idea or collaborate with you to further refine it.
  3. Once we’ve agreed on a topic, let us know a general date for when you expect to submit your piece to us for review.
  4. Send your guest post over in a Google Document, with sharing settings “Anyone with the link” and “Editor” access. Things to include:
    1. Your completed draft
    2. Proper formatting and source attribution
    3. Images with proper attribution below each
    4. A short couple sentence bio, with links to your LinkedIn, website, or social media you’d like included.
  5. In the Google Document, we’ll make edits directly to the piece or will collaborate with you to refine it until it’s ready to go.
  6. We’ll let you know when your post is ready to go and when we’ll be posting it live. (Publishing and editing timelines will vary.)

Promoting Your Guest Post

Promote your post through your social media, newsletter, blog, or anywhere you see fit to share! You can include a snippet of the post on your blog with a link back to the original content on our site (important so that we both avoid duplicate content penalties).

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Manage Innovative Teams!

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